January 1, 2009

I am the master

The following is a conversation that I had with my sister Janette at around 1 in the morning via text messaging. Bear in mind that I was extremely tired and irritable therefore a little harsh in my texts back.

J: Hey i haven't seen you since last year!
K: That is the worst joke ive ever heard
J: Is it the worst joke you've heard all year?
K: Ur boring me with your stupidity
J: Don't be jealous because you didn't think of it first
K: Im always 2 steps ahead of you......remember that
J: I will destroy you
K: Im already destroyed by stuart........2 steps ahead janette
J: Stuart hired me to destroy you....Two steps ahead of you
K: I don't think you understand-Stuart destroyED me, its already done, so u pretty much suck at ur job
J: Well he clearly didn't do a very good job if you're still texting
K: Well played my dear i guess u deserve some credit- my IQ has dropped significantly since i began this meaningless conversation so congrats on destroying any hopes i ever had at attending a university
J: I am your master now
K: Again i am 2 steps ahead of you because i live in America and my black grandpa and i were freed from slavery a long time ago.....Man do i love that Abe
J: ha ha ha. fine you are the master. Good night

i win :)

1 comment:

  1. dude the only reason i sent that is so you would stop texting me. i am clearly more awesome than you.
