April 19, 2009

Pat Tilman Run

As some of you know, this month I was inducted into NHS (National Honors Society). One of the requirements we have to meet is going to one of two group projects. The first one was to clean the school with the janitors for three hours and the second was volunteering at the annual Pat Tillman Run at ASU. I obviously chose the second one, there is no way in heck I am going to scrub Williams Field. I know better than that. So at this point I am excited to do some good old fashion service until they send me a little memo that says these words, "Please check in at the Volunteer stand at 5:45 am." Holy fish tacos that is EXTREMELY early.I strongly believe that if the sun ain't up, I don't have to be either. They wanted me to do another shift at 4 am as well. Ya right. Like that was going to happen. I set my alarm for 4:30 so that I could slowly but surely make my way out of bed at 5. Well, silly me, I forgot to enable it so instead I woke up quickly at 5:15.

When I got there they assigned me to help in the "kid's area." These were some of my thoughts in sequential order:
(1) Great I'm going to have to babysit 1,000 kids all at once
(2) When does that darn race start because I am not watching them before it does
(3) I hope they run the whole way to save me
(4) If I get a brat I am going to lock it in the moon bounce even if I get fired as a volunteer
Thank goodness I was just registering them in the kid's run and I didn't have to set foot in the pig pen although I did have some weird/crazy people come up to the booth.

I was getting this one lady registered and I look up to ask what size shirt the squirt wants and she looks at me like "Oh!!! Hey there!!" like I've known her for years or something. She does not even look vaguely familiar nor does she remind me of anyone. A complete and total stranger that knows me. The whole thing just creeped me out.

Then this Samoan looking guy comes up and starts filling out the form and wiggles the pen around the sheet for forever like he couldn't read it until I stepped in and told him what to do. Whenever he forgot a number or something in his address he would shake his butt and dance around. It was probably the highlight of my life.

The first part of the day was fine because it wasn't very crowded and we had everything. Then we start running out of shirts. That's when the fun began. I got so much crap from the parents about that. They would get so mad about a stupid ugly shirt. This is one of the conversations that I had with a mother:
Me: Hi, can I help you?
Mom: Yes, I need to pick up a shirt for my daughter
Me: I'm sorry we're out of shirts right now, we've been out for an hour now.
Mom: Well, I registered online, don't I get a shirt
Me: Nope, it doesn't matter if you registered online
Me: uh, ya
Mom: I think that is so Stupid. Don't they send the shirts to you if you don't have them
Me: No, this whole kid's run is free, so it's first come first serve
Mom: *rolls her eyes* I think this whole thing is just ridiculous and I think you need to change how this works. I ordered online and they should have saved a shirt for me.
Me: Listen, I don't know what to tell you, If you wanted a shirt that bad maybe you should have come earlier to get it.
Then she left. She was like yelling and looked really aggravated I was getting so mad, I had so many encounters like that. It wasn't my fault they ran out of shirts. Geez


  1. you should have just told the dumb moms they'd be getting thier shirts in the mail. I would have. That way when they didn't get it after a certain time they would call and complain to someone else...hahaha.

  2. hehehe. I come to your page to listen to your music. I've been here for the last two days while I've been packing. so...thanks!
